Which of the following is blocked by a capacitor

Let us understand What happens when AC and DC currents are passed through a capacitor before we answer which of the following is blocked by a capacitor with choices AC, DC AC DC both or none of AC DC.

  1. When DC passes through a capacitor, the electric charge flows through the plates of the capacitor.
  2. Electrons from the positive terminal flow towards the negative terminal and charge one plate of the capacitor positively while the other one, negatively.
  3. When both the plates are completely charged, they behave as an open circuit and the capacitor behaves as an open circuit.
  4. However, in the case of AC, the direction of the current reverses periodically. Hence, the plates charge and discharge after a while.
  5. Thus, we can understand that DC current will be blocked by a capacitor.

Which of the following is blocked by a capacitor

(a) AC
(b) DC
(c) Both AC and DC
(d) Neither A C. nor D.C​

The answer is B DC Direct Current.

What is the difference between DC and AC Currents?

DC means direct current and the direction of the flow of electric charge does not change in this type of current e.g Batteries produce DC current

AC is for alternating current and in AC, the direction of the electric charge or electric current changes periodically . E.g Power inside home is AC current.

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