What is Orbital Velocity Obtain An Expression for It

Orbital velocity is the speed at which objects move around planets or stars. The Earth orbits the Sun at roughly 30 km/s (186,400 mph). This means that the Earth travels through space at this speed every day. the question What is Orbital Velocity Obtain An Expression for It is regularly asked in class 10 exams.

Orbital velocity refers to the average speed at which something moves around another object. For example, the Moon revolves around the Earth at about 7.5 km/s (45,000 mph), meaning that the Moon travels through space at this rate each time it completes its orbit.

Orbital velocity is the speed at which an object moves around another object. The higher the speed, the faster the orbit. If you want to calculate the orbital velocity, then you should know the mass of both objects, their distance from each other, and the time period they spend orbiting each other.

The formula for calculating orbital velocity is given below:

Orbital Velocity Expression
Orbital Velocity Expression

$$v \sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}$$

What is the formula for calculating orbital velocity?

$$v \sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}$$

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