Quiz questions on My Emotions for Class 1

It is important for ​our little ones⁣ to learn about their emotions⁤ and how we can express them. This quiz for class 1 will help students better ⁣understand ‌different emotions they may be feeling in different situations. Read the questions carefully and answer them.


Q1: ⁣What does it mean when I am ‌feeling jealous?

A: Feeling the same as someone else

B: Feeling fearful

C: Feeling resentful of another person’s achievements, success,‍ or ‌possessions

D: Feeling ‌mad

Answer: C: Feeling resentful of another person’s⁤ achievements, success, or possessions

Q2: What am I feeling when I am ​feeling⁤ frustrated?

A: Feeling ⁣happy and content

B: Feeling angry

C:⁢ Feeling unsure

D: Feeling tired

Answer:‌ B: Feeling angry

Q3: What⁤ does it mean when I am feeling proud?

A:​ Feeling satisfied

B: Feeling embarrassed

C: Feeling happy

D: ‍Feeling ⁢scared

Answer: A: Feeling satisfied

Q4: What does it mean ​when I am​ feeling content?

A: Feeling the same as someone else

B: Feeling angry

C: Feeling pleased ⁣with yourself or‍ the situation you ⁤are in

D: Feeling sad

Answer: C: Feeling ⁣pleased with yourself or the situation you are in

Q5: What am I feeling when I am feeling resentful?

A: Feeling ⁢calm

B: Feeling shy

C: Feeling envy

D: Feeling bitter or indignant about a wrong that has been done to you

Answer: D: Feeling bitter or ​indignant about a wrong that has been​ done to ​you

Q6: What does it‍ mean when I am feeling excited?

A: Feeling weary

B: Feeling curious

C: Feeling‍ amused

D: Feeling expectant and enthusiastic

Answer: ⁤D: Feeling expectant and enthusiastic

Q7: What am ⁤I feeling when ‍I ‌am ⁤feeling curious?

A: Feeling afraid

B: Feeling‍ anxious

C: Feeling eager​ to know ‍or learn something

D: Feeling angry

Answer: C: Feeling eager‍ to know or learn something

Q8: What does it mean⁢ when I am feeling⁤ embarassed?

A:⁢ Feeling ‌ashamed

B: Feeling afraid

C: Feeling happy

D: Feeling calm

Answer: A: Feeling ashamed

Q9: ​What am ‌I⁣ feeling⁣ when I am feeling embarrassed?

A: ⁤Feeling excited

B: Feeling ashamed

C: Feeling ⁤frustrated

D: Feelinggrateful

Answer:​ B: Feeling ashamed

Q10: What does it mean when I am​ feeling energetic?

A: Feeling exhausted

B: Feeling⁣ excited

C: Feeling ‌physically and ‌mentally active

D: Feeling anxious

Answer: C: Feeling physically and ‍mentally active

Q11: What am ⁣I feeling when I am feeling blissful?

A: Feeling relieved

B: Feeling ‍loved

C: Feeling grateful

D: Feeling extremely joyful ​and content

Answer: D:⁢ Feeling extremely joyful ​and content

Q12: What does it mean when I am feeling angry?

A: Feeling anxious

B: ‌Feeling excited

C: Feeling irritable and hostile

D:⁢ Feeling⁢ calm

Answer:⁤ C: Feeling irritable and ‌hostile

Q13: What am I feeling when I am feeling ⁣exuberant?

A: Feeling exhausted

B: Feeling enthusiastic and ‌excited

C: Feeling embarrassed

D:⁤ Feeling afraid

Answer:‌ B: Feeling enthusiastic and‍ excited

Q14: What does ⁤it mean when I am feeling uncertain?

A: Feeling confident

B: Feeling scared

C: Feeling unsure about the outcome of‌ something

D: Feeling unhappy

Answer:⁤ C: Feeling unsure about the⁢ outcome of something

Q15: What am ⁣I feeling when ‌I ‌am feeling scared?

A: Feeling angry

B: Feeling worried or frightened

C: Feeling pleased

D: Feeling inspired

Answer: B:‍ Feeling ⁢worried or frightened

Q16:⁤ What ⁣does ‌it mean when I am feeling compassionate?

A: Feeling sympathetic and kind towards someone else

B: Feeling reassured

C: ⁣Feeling ​embarrassed

D: Feeling ashamed

Answer: A: Feeling ​sympathetic ​and kind towards‍ someone ‌else

Q17: What am I‌ feeling when I am feeling relieved?

A: Feeling joyful

B: Feeling worried

C: Feeling at ease or⁣ less anxious because something unpleasant has passed

D: Feeling inspired

Answer: C: Feeling‌ at ease or less anxious because something unpleasant has‌ passed

Q18: What does it mean when⁤ I ‌am ‌feeling hopeful?

A: ⁤Feeling miserable

B: Feeling confident

C: Feeling despondent

D: Feeling optimistic about the future

Answer: ‍D: Feeling⁢ optimistic about the‍ future

Q19: What am I⁢ feeling when I am feeling ‍inspired?

A: Feeling relaxed

B:⁢ Feeling‍ encouraged or motivated to do or ⁤feel ​something

C: Feeling jealous

D: ⁤Feeling ⁤ashamed

Answer: B:‍ Feeling encouraged or motivated ​to do or feel something

Q20: What does it mean when ​I am feeling overwhelmed?

A: ‍Feeling discontented

B: Feeling extremely sad​ or distressed

C: Feeling ‌exhausted

D: Feeling extremely confused, anxious,​ or burdened⁤ with responsibilities

Answer: D: Feeling ⁢extremely confused, anxious, or burdened with responsibilities


We hope this quiz was informative for the class 1 students. The next time you are feeling a ⁤certain emotion, try to identify it⁢ and express it in the right way. Remember that it is healthy to ⁤express all emotions. Have fun answering the quiz questions!

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