Basic Puzzles for Class 1: Unravel the Fun of Matching Shapes and Colors

Introducing simple puzzles like‌ matching colors⁣ and shapes to⁤ children is ⁤a great way to ⁤engage and challenge their learning. Here are 20 great quiz questions that you can use to ‌help your students learn more about matching colors ‍and​ shapes.


Q1. Which shape​ is a ‍pentagon?

A: Rectangle

B: Triangle

C: Square

D: Pentagon

Answer:‌ D: Pentagon

Q2. What color does red and blue make ​when mixed?

A: Brown

B: Pink

C: ​Purple

D: Yellow

Answer: C: Purple

Q3. What shape is a balloon?

A: Circle

B: Triangle

C: Star

D: Hexagon

Answer: A: Circle

Q4.​ What color does yellow and red make ‌when mixed?

A: White

B:‌ Blue

C: Purple

D: Orange

Answer: D: Orange

Q5. Which shape ‍is a hexagon?

A: Square

B: Oval

C: Triangle

D: Hexagon

Answer:⁤ D: Hexagon

Q6. What color does‌ blue ​and yellow‌ make when mixed?

A: Orange

B: Green

C: Magenta

D:⁤ Gray

Answer: B: Green

Q7. What‌ shape is a diamond?

A: Circular

B: ⁢Square

C: Rectangular

D: Rhombus

Answer: D: Rhombus

Q8. What ⁤color‌ does ‍red and yellow make when mixed?

A: ⁢Green

B: Orange

C: Blue

D: Purple

Answer: B: ⁢Orange

Q9. What shape is a clock face?

A: Triangle

B: Hexagon

C: Circle

D: Square

Answer: C: ⁣Circle

Q10. What‍ color does yellow and green ‌make when⁣ mixed?

A: White

B: Blue

C: ‍Purple

D: Lime

Answer:⁣ D: Lime

Q11. What ‍shape is a stop sign?

A: Pentagon

B: Hexagon

C: Circle

D: Octagon

Answer: ‍D: Octagon

Q12. ​What color does orange and blue make when mixed?

A: Pink

B: Green

C: Gray

D: Purple

Answer: ‍B: Green

Q13. What shape are dice?

A: Square

B: Hexagon

C:‍ Triangle

D: Cube

Answer: D:⁢ Cube

Q14. What color does red and green make when mixed?

A: Pink

B: Brown

C: Yellow

D: ⁣Purple

Answer: B: Brown

Q15. What shape is a‍ bowling pin?

A: Rectangle

B: Circle

C: Triangle

D: Cone

Answer: D: Cone

Q16. What color does blue and Magenta make ⁤when mixed?

A: Red

B: Yellow

C: Green

D: Purple

Answer: D: Purple

Q17. What shape is ​an egg?

A:‌ Rectangle

B: Square

C: Oval

D: Diamond

Answer: C: Oval

Q18. What color ⁣does green and yellow make when mixed?

A: Lime

B: Gray

C: ‍Orange

D: Pink

Answer: A: Lime

Q19. What shape is a football?

A: Pentagon

B: Oval

C: Hexagon

D: ​Rectangle

Answer: B: Oval

Q20. What color does blue and red make when⁣ mixed?

A: Yellow

B: Gray

C: Magenta

D: Green

Answer: C: Magenta

Matching shapes and colors is ⁣a fun and engaging way⁤ for students to learn more about the basics ‍of puzzles. ⁢By introducing these ‌quizzes⁣ to your students, you can‌ help them become more familiar with the fundamentals of puzzles.

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