Comparing Number Quiz for Grade 1

Number comparison skills are an important part of‍ mathematical development for kids in‌ grade 1. This quiz is designed⁢ to assess‌ kids understanding of the concepts related to⁢ comparing numbers. ⁣

Q1: Which number is the smallest?

A: 5

B: 7

C: 9

D: 11

Answer: A

Q2: Which⁢ of the following numbers is bigger ?

A: 4

B: 7

C: 12

D: 14

Answer: D

Q3: Which is the largest number ?

A: 9

B: 11

C: 16

D: 24

Answer: D

Q4: Which of these ​are⁤ in descending order from⁢ the greatest to the least?

A: 18,15,12,9

B: 9,12,15,18

C: 15,9,12,18

D: 18,12,15,9

Answer: A

Q5: Which ⁣of the following is in ⁢ascending ​order from the greatest to the least?

A: 25,24,22,20

B: 22,20,24,25

C: 20,25,22,24

D: 24,22,25,20

Answer: ​B

Q6: Find the correct answer from the following?

A: 7 is less than ‌8

B: 17 is greater than 8

C: 11 is greater⁢ than 9

D: 7 is greater than 8

Answer: A

Q7: Which⁣ number is greater?

A: 7

B: 18

C: 12

D: 14

Answer: B

Q8: From the given integers,⁢ which number is the greatest?

A: 9

B: 15

C: 20

D: 25

Answer: D

Q9: Which is the smallest number?

A: 12​

B: 19

C: 40

D: 45

Answer: A

Q10: Choose the correct answer from the following?

A: 13 is ⁤greater than 8

B: 15 is less than 8

C: 14 is ​greater than 8

D: 17⁤ is greater‌ than 8

Answer: C

Q11: Which of⁣ these are in descending order from the greatest to the least ?

A: 15,13,11,9

B: 9,13,15,11

C: 11,9,15,13

D: 13,11,15,9

Answer: A

Q12: Which ⁣of the following numbers is the greatest?

A: 8

B: 15

C: 17

D: 21

Answer: D

Q13: What is the smallest ⁤number?

A: 17

B: 20

C: 25

D: 30

Answer:​ A

Q14: Choose the correct answer from the ​following?

A: 12 is ‍less than 8

B: 14 is‍ less than 8

C: 8 is less than⁣ 14

D: 7 is greater than 8

Answer: C

Q15: From the given integers, which number is the least?

A: 2

B: 7

C: 12

D: 17

Answer: A

Q16: Which ⁤number is ‍greater?

A: 13

B: 19

C: 22

D: 25

Answer: D

Q17: Which of the following is in ascending order from the greatest to the least?

A: 18,15,12,10

B: 10,15,18,12

C: 12,10,18,15

D: 18,12,15,10

Answer: ⁤B

Q18: Choose the correct​ answer from the following?

A: 18 is ⁣less⁤ than 8

B: 15 ‍is⁣ greater than 8

C: 12 is less than 8

D: 11 is greater ⁢than 8

Answer: B

Q19: Which of these are in ascending order ‍from⁤ the ‍greatest to⁣ the least?

A: 24,23,⁤ 18,16

B: 16,18, ‍24, 23

C: 24, 16, 18, 23

D: 18,23, 24, 16

Answer: C

Q20: Which​ is the largest number?

A: 13

B: 25

C: 17

D: 23

Answer: ⁣B

These questions ​and answers are designed‌ for kids in⁤ Grade 1 to help ​them understand and develop their ⁣skills in comparing numbers. With practice, ⁤they should be​ able to quickly and accurately answer these ⁣questions.

Thank you for attempting the quiz. ⁣Hope it helped in understanding the concept of comparing numbers better

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