Why do we classify organisms class 9 question

Why do we classify organisms class 9, question is from biology, Organisms chapter.

The reason for classifying organisms are

  • in order to study and include each organism along with its identification and habitat.
  • To identify an organism from a pool.
  • The study of a few individuals from each distinct group helps us to understand all the characters of a particular group.
  • It helps in scientific research.
  • It helps in establishing the relationship among different organisms and help us understand their evolution.
  • It provides information about plants and animals, which occur in specific geographical regions.
  • It helps in identifying evolutionary relationship of form and structure of different groups of organisms.

in short for the question

Why do we classify organisms class 9

Answer is :
To identify any specific organisms.
– To helps scientists to study them and undertake research on them.
-helps us in understanding each individual organisms and their differences and similarities with other organisms
– helps us to understand the evolutionary process in a better way. 

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