Welcome to this fun interactive rhyming words quiz for grade 1! A wonderful way for children to learn rhymes while at the same time getting to play a game. This quiz is designed with the age-appropriate vocabulary and topics to keep your little ones engaged. The aim of this quiz is to help students become comfortable with the sound and function of rhyming words. Get ready and let’s start!
Quiz Questions
Q1: What is the rhyme of two?
A: do
B: zoo
C: glue
D: sew
Answer: A
Q2: What is the rhyme of cat?
A: sat
B: mat
C: rat
D: fat
Answer: A
Q3: What is the rhyme of tall?
A: small
B: fall
C: call
D: ball
Answer: D
Q4: What is the rhyme of tree?
A: three
B: four
C: bee
D: see
Answer: A
Q5: What is the rhyme of house?
A: mouse
B: blouse
C: spouse
D: browse
Answer: A
Q6: What is the rhyme of four?
A: store
B: soar
C: more
D: door
Answer: D
Q7: What is the rhyme of bed?
A: red
B: sled
C: wed
D: thread
Answer: B
Q8: What is the rhyme of one?
A: hone
B: cone
C: stone
D: lone
Answer: C
Q9: What is the rhyme of sing?
A: ring
B: sting
C: King
D: wing
Answer: A
Q10: What is the rhyme of ten?
A: pen
B: ben
C: then
D: when
Answer: A
Q11: What is the rhyme of seven?
A: evil
B: save
C: eleven
D: haven
Answer: D
Q12: What is the rhyme of joke?
A: spoke
B: broke
C: poke
D: stroke
Answer: C
Q13: What is the rhyme of nine?
A: fine
B: wine
C: shine
D: mine
Answer: A
Q14: What is the rhyme of stop?
A: hop
B: crop
C: mop
D: plop
Answer: D
Q15: What is the rhyme of sun?
A: done
B: run
C: gun
D: none
Answer: B
Q16: What is the rhyme of eight?
A: weight
B: fate
C: late
D: great
Answer: D
Q17: What is the rhyme of scared?
A: shared
B: dared
C: flared
D: stared
Answer: B
Q18: What is the rhyme of five?
A: drive
B: jive
C: give
D: hive
Answer: C
Q19: What is the rhyme of circle?
A: pickle
B: purrle
C: sparle
D: twinkle
Answer: D
Q20: What is the rhyme of stare?
A: there
B: care
C: share
D: glare
Answer: D
Congratulations! You have completed this fun . We hope this has been an enjoyable and educational experience. Our goal is to lay the foundation for your child to become more comfortable with using, understanding and being able to identify words that rhyme. Keep exploring and learning!
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