[Explained] Of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India which is most followed?

Of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India Yoga is one of the most ancient form of fitness regime followed by many gurus and common people.

Though nowadays Artistic yoga has gained popularity which is a kind of mix of Yoga and Gymming. It involves yogic asanas of stretching and breathing exercises like Pranayam, Anulom Vilom Vajraasana , Sukhashan and then cardio exercises on the treadmill in a cyclic order. Finally, pranayam is done again at the end to calm down the mind.

Yoga is just not about stretching your body it’s actually ‘YOG’ which means unification. Unification of Body and Mind and keeping ourselves in sync with the Universal Energy ‘Bramha’.

Kriya Yoga is another form of yoga taught by Lahiri Mahasaya where You need to concentrate on parts of the body and feel you and the universe is ONE.

Yoga is a huge topic (to discuss in a short article) . Of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India different forms of Yoga is most followed as it can be done by everyone be it a child or an old person.

So If you have to pick feasible options w.t.t Artistic Yoga

a) Artistic yoga helps in the overall development of those who practise it
b) Artistic yoga has been adopted by modern people since it is in fashion these days
c) All the activities performed at the beginning of artistic yoga are also repeated in the end
d) Since it combines yoga and exercises, artistic yoga will replace other fitness and wellness

b) Artistic yoga has been adopted by modern people since it is in fashion these days can be inferred based on the way artistic yoga is being accepted.

Please Note: This article doesn’t endorse Yoga or any form of yoga and is not a replacement for a medical doctor’s opinion. Please take the advice of your doctor before practicing.

Related FAQs

Name a form of popular physical exercise in India?

Walking is one of the most popular physical exercises in India.

Which is the most followed breathing exercise?

Pranayam is one of the most followed breathing exercises.

Can Everybody do yoga?

You should always consult a doctor if you have any ailments before practicing yoga or doing any major physical exercise.

Is Yoga most followed of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India?

It’s actually very popular and Not international Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June

More on General awareness

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