Odd one out DEB FGD PQN TUS

We need to find the Odd one out DEB FGD PQN TUS sequence of 3 letter words

The answer is TUS, since in the other groups, the 3rd and 1st letters are alternative letters, whereas the first 2 letters are successive letters of the alphabet.

Thus TUS is Odd one out

Explanation :

For DEB, B and D are alternate letters (with C in between) and D and E being consecutive letters;

For FGD, F and D are alternate letters (with E in between) and F and G being consecutive letters;

But for TUS, S and T are consecutive letters not alternate, although T and U are consecutive letters.

Hence, TUS is the odd man out.

So for the question to

Find the odd one out DEB FGD PQN TUS?

answer is TUS

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