Math Quiz Grade 1

for USA Students⁣

Math is an essential building block for any student in the United⁤ States. It is ​necessary to understand the fundamentals of ⁤mathematics at Grade 1 level for students to have ⁤a solid foundation and‌ succeed ‌in ‌higher classes.⁤ Here is a comprehensive Math ⁢Quiz for Grade 1 to revise your child’s concepts and keep them up-to-date on their skills. ⁤

Quiz Questions ‍

Q1: What is⁢ the sum of 4 and ‌2?


A: 1

B: 6

C: 8

D: 10

Answer: B: 6 ⁢

Q2: In a group of⁢ 3 cats, ⁢how many eyes do they have in total?


A: 3

B: 6

C: 9

D:⁣ 12

Answer: D: 12

Q3: If John has 3 apples and Sarah has 4⁢ apples, how many apples do the two of them have in total?


A: 5

B: 6 ⁤

C: 7

D: ⁣8

Answer: D: ⁤8

Q4: ‍If 4+4=8, what is⁢ the ⁤result of 8+2?‌


A: ⁢6 ‌

B: 8

C: ⁤10

D: 12

Answer: C: 10

Q5: Out ⁤of the ⁣following ⁤shapes, which one ⁣has 4 ‍sides?


A: Triangle

B: Square

C: Circle

D: Pentagon

Answer: B: Square

Q6: What⁣ is the ⁤result‌ of‌ 10-6?


A: -4 ⁣

B: 2‍

C: 4

D:⁣ 6

Answer: ⁤B: 2

Q7: What do you get when you add 1+3? ⁣


A: 4

B: 5

C: 6

D: 7

Answer: ⁤A: 4

Q8: How many sides does a rectangle have?


A: 4

B: 5

C:‌ 6

D: 8

Answer: A: 4

Q9: ⁤How many sides⁢ does a trapezoid have?


A: 4

B: 5

C:⁤ 6

D: ⁣8

Answer: B: 5

Q10: ⁣ What⁣ is the​ resulting subtraction ‍equation when ⁤you subtract 4 from 10? ⁤


A:⁢ 4-10

B: ‍10-4 ‍

C: 6-4⁢

D: 4-6

Answer: B: ⁣10-4

Q11: What is the ‌sum of 1+7?


A: 8 ⁤

B: 9

C: 10

D: 11

Answer: A: 8

Q12: How many sides⁢ does a‍ octagon have?


A: 6‍

B:‌ 8 ⁣

C: 10

D: 12

Answer: B: 8 ⁤

Q13: ‍What ⁣is 1+1? ⁤


A: 1

B: 2

C: 3

D: 4

Answer: B: 2

Q14: What is 7+2?


A: 5⁣

B: 6 ⁣

C: 9

D: 10

Answer: C: 9 ⁢

Q15: Out‍ of the following shapes, which one has 8 sides?


A: Triangle

B: Square

C: Circle

D: Octagon

Answer: ‍ D: Octagon ⁢

Q16: If​ 4+8=12, what is‌ the result of 12+1?


A: ‌11‍

B: 12

C: ⁢13

D: 14

Answer: ​ C: ​13

Q17: How many sides does⁢ a hexagon have?


A: 4

B: ‌5 ​

C: 6

D: 8

Answer: C: 6

Q18: ⁢If 4+5=9, what is the result of 9+2?


A: ⁢6

B: 8

C: 11

D: 12

Answer: C: 11

Q19: Out of the following shapes, ‌which one has 3 sides?


A:‌ Triangle

B: Square

C: Circle

D: Pentagon

Answer: A: Triangle⁤

Q20: If 5+2=7, what is the result of⁢ 8-1?


A: 5

C: 6

D: 8

Answer: D: 8

Q10: What is the answer to 3+4?


A: 7

B: 8

C: 9

D: 10

Answer: A: 7

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