Habitat Quiz for Grade 1

For ⁤grade one students across the United States, ‍understanding the concept ‘habitat’⁢ has become an ever important part of environmental and earth studies. So this habitat quiz for grade one‌ is designed to test and improve your knowledge on habitats. To take this habitat quiz you will need to answer the questions given below correctly and as accurately as possible so stay focused and all the best!⁤

Q1. What⁤ is a Habitat?
A. A place where animals live
B. A place ⁢of human occupation
C. A ⁣type of ​animal
D. A place where‌ plants grow

Answer: A. A place⁤ where animals live

Q2. What is ‌a habitat’s ‌job?
A. To find a home for animals
B. To provide food ​and ‍shelter for ​animals⁣
C. To protect animals from danger
D. To keep animals safe

Answer: B. To‌ provide food and shelter for animals

Q3. What is a ‘niche’?
A. A type of animal
B. A place where animals live
C. The role‌ an animal/‌ organism plays ‌in its environment
D. A group ⁤of animals

Answer: C. The role ⁣an animal/ organism plays in ⁢its ‌environment

Q4. What is the difference between⁤ an animal’s habitat and its home?
A. ‍There is no difference
B. Habitat is a wider⁢ area and home is where the animal sleeps
C. A habitat is a place where an animal finds food and home is where the animal lives
D. A ⁤habitat⁢ is where the animal lives and home is where the animal finds food

Answer: B. Habitat is a wider area ​and home⁣ is where the animal sleeps

Q5. What does the term ‘territory’ mean in relation to animals?
A. A place where an animal breeds
B. A place where an ⁣animal finds food
C. ⁤A place where an animal lives
D. ⁤A place⁤ where an animal defends its resources

Answer: D. A place where an animal defends its resources

Q6. What do animals need in order ⁤to survive in different habitats?
A. Water,‌ food and shelter
B. Food, shelter and land
C. ‌Water, food ⁣and land
D. Water, food and sunlight

Answer:⁢ A. Water, food and shelter

Q7. What are examples of aquatic habitats?
A. Lakes, rivers, marshes and ponds
B.⁤ Plains, deserts, ⁣oceans ‍and mountains
C. Grasslands, deserts, tropical forests and ⁢woodlands
D. Deserts, polar regions, tropical rainforests and caves

Answer: A.​ Lakes, rivers, marshes and ponds

Q8. ⁣What are some examples​ of land‌ habitats?
A. Plains, deserts, oceans and mountains
B. Lakes, rivers, marshes and ponds ⁢
C. Grasslands, deserts, tropical forests and woodlands
D. Deserts, polar⁤ regions, tropical rainforests‌ and ⁤caves

Answer: C. Grasslands, deserts, tropical forests and woodlands

Q9. ‍What type‍ of habitat do many animals ⁣live ‌in (hint: it starts with a ‘t’)?
A. Desert
B. Ocean⁤
C. Mountain
D.⁣ Taiga

Answer: D. ‍Taiga

Q10. What is the most common type of habitat?
A. Forest
B. Savannah
C. Desert
D. Mountain

Answer: A. Forest

Q11 .What is the coldest⁢ type of habitat?
A. Ocean
B. Desert
C. Mountain
D. Tundra ​

Answer: D. Tundra‍

Q12.⁣ What is the difference between an⁤ animal’s habitat and its environment?
A. There is no difference‌
B. An animal’s habitat is where it survives and its environment is where​ it lives
C. An ​animal’s habitat is where it lives and ‍its environment is ‌where it survives
D. An animal’s habitat is wider than its environment

Answer:‌ B. An animal’s habitat is where it survives and its environment is where it lives

Q13. How do⁢ habitats provide shelter⁣ for animals?
A.‍ By protecting ⁤them from predators
B. By providing food and water
C. By‌ providing a⁣ safe place to rest ⁣and sleep
D.⁢ By providing an area to raise young

Answer: C. By providing a safe place to rest and sleep

Q14. What are some⁤ examples of⁤ desert habitats? ‍
A. ⁢Rainforests, woodlands and wetlands
B.⁢ Savannahs, grasslands and plains
C. Mountains, oceans and‌ lakes⁤
D.⁢ Canyons, ​scrublands and dunes

Answer: D. Canyons, scrublands and dunes

Q15. What is the best way for humans to help animals in their habitats?
A. By leaving them alone
B. By providing⁤ food and water
C. By protecting them from predators
D. By not destroying habitats

Answer: D. By not destroying habitats

Q16. What type of habitat is found in a tropical⁣ rainforest?
A. Forest
B. Desert
C. Taiga
D. Savannah

Answer: A. Forest

Q17. What type‍ of habitat is found in ‍a grassland?
A. Forest⁤
B.⁤ Desert
C. Taiga
D. Savannah

Answer: D. Savannah

Q18.What is a ⁣pond habitat? ⁣
A. A type of animal
B. A type of plant
C. A type of water body
D. A type of rock

Answer:‌ C. A type of water body

Q19. What type of food do ‍animals‌ in habitats need?
A. Fruits ⁣and vegetables⁢
B. Insects, rodents​ and other small animals
C. Grass, leaves and other⁤ plants
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Q20. What type of animal typically⁤ lives in a burrow?
A. Bears
B. Deer⁤
C. Foxes
D. Rabbits

Answer: D. Rabbits

Congratulations on completing this quiz on habitats for grade one. We ⁢hope this was fun and an engaging⁤ way to help improve your knowledge on habitats and the different kinds of animals and plants that call them home.

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