5 Senses Quiz Grade 1

There are five senses that we use every day. Can you identify ⁣them? Test yourself with ‌this simple ‌quiz to find‍ out! Grade 1 ⁤students in the United States of America can⁤ take this ‍quiz to check their understanding of the five‍ senses and strengthen their foundation knowledge.


Q1:⁣ What ‍is the sense of ⁣sight?

  • A: Taste
  • B: Smell
  • C: Touch
  • D: Sight

Answer: ‍D – Sight

Q2: What is the sense of touch?

  • A: Sight
  • B: Taste
  • C: Touch
  • D: Smell

Answer: ​C ⁣- Touch

Q3: What is the sense ⁣of smell?

  • A:‍ Sight
  • B:​ Touch
  • C: Smell
  • D: Taste

Answer: C – Smell

Q4:‍ What is the sense of taste? ‌

  • A: Touch
  • B:‍ Sight
  • C: ‌Smell
  • D: Taste

Answer: D – Taste

Q5:‍ What is the sense of hearing?

  • A: Taste
  • B: Touch
  • C: Hearing
  • D: Smell

Answer: C – Hearing

Q6: What is the sense of sight used ‍for?

  • A: Hearing things
  • B:⁢ Seeing things
  • C: Smelling things
  • D: Tasting things

Answer: B​ – Seeing things

Q7: What is the sense ⁢of touch used for? ⁢

  • A: Tasting things
  • B: Smelling things
  • C: Hearing ⁤things
  • D: ⁢Feeling things

Answer: D – Feeling things

Q8: What is the sense of smell used for?

  • A: Seeing⁢ things
  • B:‍ Feeling things
  • C:⁣ Hearing things
  • D: Smelling things

Answer: ​ D – Smelling things

Q9: What is the sense of taste⁢ used for?

  • A: Seeing things
  • B: Feeling things
  • C: Hearing things
  • D: Tasting things

Answer: D -⁢ Tasting things

Q10: What is the sense of hearing used for?

  • A: Feeling things
  • B: Tasting things
  • C: Smelling things
  • D: Hearing⁢ things

Answer: D – Hearing things

Q11: How many senses do humans have?

  • A: Three
  • B: Four
  • C: One
  • D: Five

Answer: D – Five

Q12: Which of the senses is not required to see things?

  • A: Hearing
  • B: Taste
  • C: Sight
  • D: Smell

Answer: B – Taste

Q13: Which of the senses is not required to taste things?

  • A: Sight
  • B:​ Touch
  • C: Hearing
  • D:⁢ Taste

Answer: A – Sight

Q14: Which of the senses is ‍not required‍ to feel things?

  • A: ⁤Sight
  • B: Taste
  • C: Touch
  • D: Smell

Answer: B – ‍Taste

Q15: Which of the senses is used to identify temperature?

  • A: Taste
  • B: Sight
  • C: Smell
  • D: Touch

Answer: D – Touch

Q16: Which of ⁤the⁤ senses is used to‌ identify shapes?

  • A: Touch
  • B: Hearing
  • C: Sight
  • D: Smell

Answer: C – Sight

Q17: Which of the senses is used to identify odors?

  • A: Sight
  • B: Taste
  • C: Touch
  • D: Smell

Answer: D – Smell

Q18: Which of the ​senses is used to identify flavors?

  • A: ‍Hearing
  • B: ⁤Toucn
  • C: Sight
  • D: ⁣Taste

Answer: D – Taste

Q19: Which of the senses is used‌ to identify sounds?

  • A: ⁣Smell
  • B: ‌Sight
  • C: Touch
  • D: Hearing

Answer: D – Hearing

Q20: Which of the senses can recognize the texture ⁤of an object?

  • A: Smell
  • B: Sight
  • C: Touch
  • D: Hearing


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