0 is the smallest rational number true or false

Is 0 is the smallest rational number true or false

Rational numbers are real numbers that can be expressed using whole numbers (e.g., 2, 3, 4, etc.) and fractions (e.g., ¼, ½, ⅓, ⅔, etc.). The fractional part of a number represents its decimal place. For example, the decimal representation of 3/4 is.75, whereas 3.25 is written as 3.25.

Rational numbers are also called integers because they can only be broken down into whole numbers and zero. If you add two rational numbers together, you get another rational number. This is why 0 is considered to be a rational number.

But Is 0 the smallest rational number? obviously not as smallest will be – infiniti (- ∞)

so for the questions

Is 0 is the smallest rational number?


Maths questions

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