How Much Does a Gallon of Oil Weigh? Get All the Facts Here

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How Much Does a Gallon of Oil Weigh? Get All the Facts Here

Oil is an important, and often confusing, commodity in the modern world. Its many varieties, uses, and prices can be hard to keep track of, but it still remains a vital part of everyday life. One frequent question is, “how much does a gallon of oil weigh?” Below we’ll explain the answer and answer some additional questions people may have about gallons of oil, as well as provide a few helpful tips.

How Much Does a Gallon of Oil Weigh?

The average weight of a gallon of oil depends on the exact type of oil you’re considering. Some of the most common varieties of oil, like motor oil and vegetable oil, are close in terms of weight. Generally, these types of oil will weigh between 7.2 and 7.4 lbs. per gallon.

Weight of a Gallon of Oil

The average weight of a gallon of oil can depend on the type and quality.

Other Factors To Consider

The weight of a gallon of oil also depends on additional factors, such as its density. In fact, if you compare two gallons of the same type of oil, you may find that one is heavier than the other. That’s because oil has different densities, depending upon its temperature, quality, and age. Likewise, some types of oil, such as motor or cooking oils, may have additives that can change their density and, thus, their overall weight.

Tips To Remember Oil Weights

  1. A gallon of motor oil usually weighs between 7.2 – 7.4 lbs.
  2. A gallon of vegetable oil weighs about the same.
  3. Density is an important factor in the weight of oil.
  4. Additives in oil can change its weight.
  5. The weight of a gallon of oil may vary depending on its type, age, and other factors.


Most types of oil tend to weigh roughly 7 – 7.4 lbs./gallon, depending on the exact type and its other characteristics. While it’s important to know this information, it can be difficult to remember these exact figures without a reference. We hope the information above was helpful in getting all the facts about gallons of oil.

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