Find Out How Many Likes You’re Receiving on Tinder

Are you on the popular dating app Tinder and wondering how many likes you’re getting? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This article will show you how to easily find out how many likes you’ve gained, and how to use that information to your advantage.

Why Knowing How Many Likes You’re Getting Is Important

Having an idea of how many likes you’re receiving on Tinder can help you gauge your success on the app, as well as give you an idea of how attractive you appear to potential matches.

This information is important for a few reasons. First, it can provide you with feedback that can help you refine your profile so that you attract more matches. Secondly, it can tell you how popular your profile is, which can help you improve the number of matches that you get.

How to Find Out How Many Likes You’re Receiving

As of right now, Tinder does not include any feature that allows you to track the number of likes that you’ve gotten. However, there are third-party apps such as LikeAnalyzer that you can use to get a sense of your popularity on the app.

LikeAnalyzer is a free app that you can download to your smartphone to track the number of likes that you’ve received. It can also tell you who’s liked you back and who’s swiped left (or rejected you).

Using the Information to Your Advantage

Once you know how many likes you’re getting on Tinder, what do you do with that information? Here are three ways that you can use it:

  • Keep track of the changes that you make to your profile and see how they change your like rate.
  • Get an idea of how attractive you appear to potential matches.
  • Figure out which type of photos get you the most likes.


Now that you know how to find out how many likes you’re receiving on Tinder, you can use the information to your advantage. Keep track of your changes and the likes that they get you, and use it to improve the success you have on the app.

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