Environmental Science Quiz For Grade 2

This is aimed at helping USA teachers and⁤ students to​ test and learn their environmental science knowledge. The quiz‍ covers the most important concepts related to⁢ environmental science. ⁣Let’s start!

Q1: What is the study of living things and their environment called?

A: Astronomy
B⁤ : Biodiversity
C: Evolution
D: ⁤Ecology

Answer: D: Ecology⁤ – the study of the⁣ interactions of living organisms with each other and their‌ environment.

Q2: What is the⁢ most ‌abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? ⁢

A: Nitrogen
B : Carbon Dioxide
C: Oxygen
D:​ Water Vapor

Answer: A: Nitrogen – Nitrogen makes up about ⁤78​ percent of Earth’s atmosphere.

Q3:‌ What are ⁤the Earth’s four spheres?

A: Growth, development,​ change and decay
B : Lithosphere,‍ hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
C: Sun, Moon,⁢ stars and planets
D: Fungi, plants, animals and humans

Answer: B: Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere – Lithosphere is the solid crust and mantle of the Earth,⁤ hydrosphere is all of the water on⁢ Earth, atmosphere is the gaseous envelope surrounding the ‌Earth, and biosphere​ is the regions of the ⁣Earth where life exists.

Q4: What are⁢ producers in⁢ an ecosystem?

Options: ⁣
A:​ Living things that cannot make their own food
B :⁣ Living ​things that‍ make‌ their own food
C: Living ⁣things ⁤that eat plants
D: Living things that eat animals

Answer: B: ⁤Living ‍things that​ make their own food⁣ -‍ Producers in an ‌ecosystem ⁣are organisms that make their own food by photosynthesis. ‍

Q5: ⁤What is the process of⁤ changing energy ⁢from one form to another known as?

A: Assimilation
B : Metabolism
C: Transduction
D: Transformation

Answer: D: Transformation – Transformation is⁤ the process ⁣of changing energy from one form to another.

Q6: What ⁣kind of energy powers​ the⁤ water cycle?

A: Nuclear Energy
B :‌ Wind Energy
C: Solar Energy
D:​ Chemical⁣ Energy

Answer:⁣ C: Solar Energy‍ – Solar energy powers the ⁣water cycle through the evaporation​ of water and the condensation of water⁤ vapor into clouds.

Q7: What does carbon dioxide all do to the atmosphere?

A: Deflects incoming solar radiation
B : Traps heat‍ from the ⁢sun
C: Increases air⁣ temperature
D: Absorbs heat from the‌ sun

Answer: B: Traps heat from the sun – Carbon dioxide traps heat⁤ from the sun and contributes ⁤to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Q8: What does a landfill consist​ of?

A: ‍Desert sand
B : Rocks and ⁢stones
C: Plastic and other ‌waste materials
D: Leaves ‍and twigs

Answer: C: Plastic and other waste materials – Landfills are areas where waste materials (such as ⁣plastic, metal,⁤ and paper) are stored in a controlled environment.

Q9: How ‌can we reduce air pollution from cars?

A: Plant more trees ⁣
B​ : ⁤Use ⁤public transportation
C: Drive ⁣faster
D: Burn more fuel

Answer: B: Use public ⁣transportation ‌- By using public transportation ‍instead of private‍ cars, we can reduce air pollution from cars.

Q10: What is one way to conserve water?

A: Turn off the sink when brushing your teeth‍
B : Take ​shorter showers
C: Run the washing machine more often
D: Flush⁤ the⁤ toilet less often

Answer: A: Turn off⁢ the sink when brushing ⁣your teeth – We⁣ can conserve water by turning off the ‌sink when ‌brushing our ‌teeth.

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