Demonstrative Pronouns Quiz For Grade 2


Grammar is ⁣a fundamental⁤ part of any language⁢ and ‍a fundamental part of grammar ⁣are demonstrative pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns are ⁣key to helping students ⁢express what and where they are ⁣talking about. ​This quiz is⁤ designed ⁣as an introduction to demonstrative pronouns for grade 2 students. ⁤

Q1: What is a demonstrative⁣ pronoun?⁢
A: A pronoun‌ that is used to pay​ attention to something
B: A word that ⁢stands for a noun
C:⁤ A ‍word that expresses​ a command ​
D: A word that describes an action

Answer: B: A word that stands for a noun

Q2: What is ⁣the demonstrative pronoun for this item?⁤
A: he
B: it
C: her
D:⁢ they⁢

Answer: B: It

Q3: What is a demonstrative pronoun example?
A: This
B: Which
C: Those
D: Here

Answer: A: This‍

Q4: Which ‍of the ‌following is not a demonstrative pronoun?
A: ‍This
B:⁢ The ⁤
C: Thee‍
D: ‌That

Answer: ⁤C: Thee

Q5: What is the difference between a demonstrative pronoun‌ and an ‍indefinite pronoun?
A: Demonstrative pronouns​ are used to make specific references to ‌people ⁣or objects, whereas indefinite ⁤pronouns are used to refer to objects that may be unspecified.
B: Demonstrative pronouns are used to ⁣make statements whereas indefinite pronouns are used to ask ⁤questions.
C: Demonstrative pronouns are ‍used to ⁢express emotions whereas‍ indefinite pronouns are used to make general references.
D: Demonstrative ⁢pronouns⁣ are used to ask questions⁤ whereas indefinite pronouns​ are used‍ to ⁤make‌ statements.

Answer: ⁣A: Demonstrative pronouns are used to make specific references to people or objects, whereas indefinite‍ pronouns are used to refer to objects that may be unspecified.

Q6: What is an example of a‍ demonstrative adjectives? ‍
A:⁢ This
B:‌ That⁢
C:⁢ He
D: ⁢It‌

Answer: A: This

Q7: Which of⁣ the following is not a demonstrative pronoun? ⁤
A: That
B: They
C: This‌
D: What

Answer: D: What ⁢

Q8:⁢ Is the word ‘same’ an example of ‍a demonstrative pronoun?
A: Yes
B: No

Answer: B:⁣ No

Q9: What is the demonstrative‌ pronoun⁢ for⁣ these items?
A: Them
B: Those
C: This
D: He ⁤

Answer: B: Those

Q10: ​Which of the ‌following is⁤ not⁣ an example ​of ​a demonstrative adjective?
A: ‌That⁤
B: This
C: It
D: He

Answer: D: He

Q11: What is the demonstrative pronoun for the ⁣following?⁢
A: That
B: They
C: Him
D: This⁤

Answer: A: That

Q12: What is the difference between ⁣a ​demonstrative ​pronoun ‌and a demonstrative adjective?
A: Demonstrative pronouns are used to​ refer to a ‍noun whereas demonstrative ‌adjectives are used to describe a noun.
B: Demonstrative pronouns are used to describe a noun whereas demonstrative adjectives are used to refer to ‍a noun.‌
C: Demonstrative pronouns are used to refer to‌ a person whereas demonstrative ‍adjectives‍ are ⁢used to refer to a thing.
D: Demonstrative‍ pronouns are used⁤ to describe a person⁢ whereas demonstrative adjectives are⁣ used to describe a thing.

Answer: B: Demonstrative pronouns are used to ​describe a noun whereas demonstrative adjectives are ​used to refer to a noun.​

Q13: What is an example⁣ of a demonstrative pronoun?
A: Here ⁤
B:⁤ It ‍
C: These
D:​ That

Answer: D: That

Q14: What ⁣is the difference⁤ between the words ‘this’ and ‘that’?
A: This is used to refer‍ to something near to the ‍speaker​ whereas​ that is used to refer to something far from the speaker.
B: This is ⁢used to ‌refer to something far from the speaker​ whereas ⁣that ⁢is used​ to refer to something near ‌to the speaker.
C: This is used to⁢ refer⁤ to something near to the ‌speaker whereas that is ⁤used to refer to something near to the⁣ speaker.
D: This is used to⁢ refer to​ something far from the speaker whereas that is used to refer to something far from the speaker.

Answer: A:⁣ This is ‍used to refer to something⁤ near to the ‍speaker whereas that⁢ is used to refer to something far from the speaker.

Q15: What is the demonstrative ⁣pronoun⁣ for this item?
A: He
B: You
C: It
D: Them ⁣

Answer: C: ⁢It ⁤

Q16: What is an⁤ example of‍ a demonstrative pronoun?
A:‍ Any
B: Those
C: These
D: These

Answer: B:⁢ Those

Q17: What is the difference between the words ‘it’ and ‘they’?
A: It is⁣ used to refer ⁢to⁣ a singular noun whereas they ​is⁣ used to refer to a ⁣plural noun.
B: It is used to refer ⁣to a plural noun whereas they is used⁤ to refer‍ to ⁢a ‍singular noun.
C: It⁢ is used to refer ⁢to ‌a noun ⁢whereas they ‌is ⁤used to refer to a group of people.
D:‌ It is used to refer to a group of people whereas they is used to refer to a noun.

Answer:⁤ A:‍ It is used⁢ to refer to a singular noun whereas⁣ they is​ used to refer to a plural noun.

Q18:‌ What is an example of a demonstrative pronoun?
A: Which
B: She ‌
C: These
D: Who ⁣

Answer: C: These

Q19: Is⁤ the word‌ ‘these’ an example ⁢of a demonstrative pronoun?
A: Yes
B: No

Answer: A:⁢ Yes

Q20: What is the ⁣demonstrative‍ pronoun for that item?
A: Him
B: It
C: They ⁢
D:⁢ Those ‌

Answer:⁤ B: It

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