Common and Proper Noun Quiz for Grade 1


A proper ⁤noun is an excellent way ⁢for‌ children to learn how to identify a specific person, place, thing or idea. This ‌ will help reinforce essential grammar skills and can act ‍as an effective review for upcoming tests and‍ exams. The ‌quiz can provide an ideal opportunity for students to assess their understanding of the subject and ​can ⁣be used as a great ice breaker at the start of class.

Quiz ⁣Questions

Q1: Which of the following is a ⁢proper noun?
A: Table
B : Monday ⁢
C: School‌
D: Furniture
Answer: C:School

Q2: Which⁢ of​ the following ‍is ‌a common noun? ​
A: China
B : John ​
C: Actress
D: Ocean
Answer: D:Ocean

Q3: What type of⁣ noun is the word library?
A: Common Noun
B : Proper Noun ⁢
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer: B:Proper Noun

Q4: Which of ‍the following is Not a common noun?
A: Chair
B : Paris
C: Bridge
D: Beach
Answer: B:Paris

Q5: What type⁣ of noun ⁢is the word ⁤Chelsea?
A: Common⁣ Noun
B :​ Proper Noun
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer: B:Proper Noun

Q6: Which of the following is a common noun?
A: Italy
B : Daniel
C: Manager
D: Chair
Answer: D:Chair

Q7: What type of noun is the word Jupiter?
A: Common Noun‍
B ⁣: Proper Noun
C:‍ Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer:‌ B:Proper Noun

Q8: Which of the following is a common noun?
Options: ‌
A: Cheetah‍
B :​ Tuesday
C: Africa ‌
D: Professor
Answer: C:Africa

Q9: What type of noun is the word City?⁢
A: Common Noun‌
B : ‌Proper Noun
C:‌ Collective ‌Noun ‌
D: ‍Abstract Noun
Answer: B:Proper Noun

Q10: Which of the following is Not a common noun?
Options: ‍
A: Girl ⁤
B ⁤: House
C: Movie ⁣
D: Street
Answer: C:Movie

Q11: What type of noun is the‌ word‍ Watermelon?
A: Common Noun
B : ⁤Proper Noun
C: Collective ​Noun‍
D: Abstract ⁤Noun
Answer: A:Common Noun

Q12: Which ⁣of the following is​ a common noun?
A: Wednesday
B : Restaurant
C: Sweden
D: Doctor
Answer: B:Restaurant

Q13: What type of noun is the word London?
Options: ⁤
A: Common Noun⁣
B : ⁤Proper⁣ Noun
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer: B:Proper Noun

Q14: Which of the ‍following is Not a​ common noun?⁢
A: Pencil
B : Lake
C: France
D: Ruler
Answer: C:France

Q15: What ⁢type of ​noun is the word Doctor?
A: Common Noun
B : Proper Noun
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer: A:Common Noun

Q16: Which of the following is a common ​noun?
A: Horse
B : Father
C: Food
D: Happiness
Answer: C:Food

Q17: What type of noun is the word ‌Africa?
A:⁣ Common Noun ⁢
B : Proper Noun⁤
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer:‌ B:Proper Noun

Q18: ⁣Which of the following is Not a common noun?
Options: ‍
A: University
B : Chair
C: Instinct
D: Monday
Answer: D:Monday

Q19: What type of noun is ⁢the word Los Angeles?
A: ‌Common Noun
B : Proper Noun ​
C: Collective Noun
D: Abstract Noun
Answer: B:Proper Noun

Q20: Which of the following is ‍a common noun?
A:⁤ Mr. Smith
B : Sunshine ⁢
C: Idea
D: Parents
Answer: C:Idea


The aims to help children identify different types of nouns ⁢while having a ​bit of fun. This ⁤quiz can ‌help build‌ grammar skills and improve reading comprehension, ⁣whilst also enabling them to assess their knowledge in a fun and challenging way.

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