CFSE for high spin d4 octahedral complex is

In this question, we have to find the Crystal field stabilisation energy: cfse for high spin d4 octahedral complex is

Options are

A –0.6Δoct





As we know high spin is due to a weak ligand , hence pairing up of electrons does not take place.

in case of high spin complex, Δ0​ is small. Thus, the energy required to pair up the fourth electron with the electrons of lower energy d-orbitals would be higher than that required to place the electrons in the higher d-orbital. Thus, pairing does not occur.
For high spin d4 octahedral complex Crystal field stabilisation energy

CFSE for high spin d4 octahedral complex is

The following figure shows the filling of electrons in the subshells.


The correct option is A –0.6Δoct

The correct option is  –0.6Δoct

therefore the answer to the question

CFSE for high spin d4 octahedral complex is___?


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