States of Matter Quiz Grade 1


We all learn about states of matter and their properties in grade 1.‍ This quiz will help students of ⁢grade 1 identify and learn about the states of matter and their properties. The quiz contains multiple choice questions from which the students ‍can choose from the options given about the properties of different⁣ states of matter.


Q1: What⁢ are the three states of matter?

A: ⁣solid, liquid, gas
B: liquid, gas, fusion
C: solid,⁣ dense, atomic
D: fusion, gas, liquified

Answer: ⁣A:⁤ solid, liquid, gas

Q2: What happens to a solid when heated gradually?

A: the molecules move further away from each other
B: the molecules move closer to⁢ each other
C: the​ molecules remain in the same place
D: the ⁣molecules move faster

Answer:⁣ B: the molecules move closer to‌ each other

Q3: What happens to gas when cooled? ​

A:⁤ it⁢ will dissolve
B: it will evaporate
C: it will condense
D: it will rust

Answer: C: it will condense

Q4: What properties ⁣are commonly associated with a solid?

A: gas bubbles
B: clear appearance
C: easily compressible
D: fixed shape and​ volume

Answer: D:⁣ fixed shape and volume

Q5: What property does ⁣a liquid ⁤have that gasses do not?

A: has no ⁣fixed shape
B: takes the shape of its⁢ container
C:⁤ conducts electricity
D: diffuses quickly

Answer: B:‍ takes the shape of ⁢its container

Q6: When a liquid starts to solidify, what two states‍ of matter does it pass through?

A: solid and gas
B: gas ⁤and liquid
C: solid⁣ and⁤ liquid ‍
D: liquid and gas

Answer: D: ⁤liquid and gas

Q7: What does the term ‘sublimation’ refer to?

A: when a liquid evaporates⁢
B: when a liquid is boiled
C: when a solid⁢ melts
D: ⁢when a solid changes directly to a gas

Answer: D: when a solid changes directly to a gas

Q8: What adjective is used to describe objects that cannot be compressed?

A: collapsible
B: dense
C: elastic
D: incompressible

Answer: D: incompressible

Q9: What substance boils at the lowest ‍temperature?

A: helium
B: oxygen
C: nitrogen
D: ⁣hydrogen

Answer: D: hydrogen

Q10: What is the most common form ⁣of water on Earth?

A: gas
B: solid
C: ‍liquid
D: plasma

Answer: C: liquid

Q11: What is the opposite of evaporation? ​

A: condensing
B: boiling
C: freezing
D: sublimation⁣

Answer: A: condensing

Q12: What happens to a gas ​when heated?

A: it expands
B: it iponifies
C: ⁣it becomes a liquid
D: it becomes a solid

Answer: A: ⁢it expands

Q13: What is⁣ an example of a ⁢gas?

A:⁤ ice
B: steam
C: ⁣fire
D: water

Answer:⁢ B: steam ‍

Q14: ‍What happens ⁢to a solid when given enough energy?

A: it evaporates⁤
B: it fuses
C:‍ it ⁢melts
D: it⁣ boils

Answer: C: ⁤it melts

Q15: What happens‌ to a gas when cooled and compressed?

A: it melts
B: it fades
C: it condenses
D: it vaporizes

Answer: ⁣C: it condenses

Q16:‌ What is a gas usually measured by?

A: temperature
B:‍ mass
C: volume
D: density

Answer:​ C: volume

Q17: How is the pressure of a gas measured?

A: volume
B: weight
C: temperature
D: force ⁤

Answer: D: force

Q18: What happens to a solid when pressure is applied?

A: volume increases
B:⁤ volume decreases
C: temperature increases
D: temperature decreases

Answer: B:⁤ volume decreases

Q19: ⁤What happens to a liquid when heated?

A: it evaporates
B: it rusts
C: it freezes
D: it boils

Answer: D: it ⁣boils

Q20: What happens when two states of matter mix?

A: they‍ form a new‍ matter
B:⁣ they are unchanged
C: ‍they gain energy
D: they release energy

Answer: B: they are unchanged


This quiz on States of Matter was designed to help the grade 1 students‍ learn about different states of matter and their⁣ properties. As we​ all know, every state⁣ of matter has different properties that should be understood by the students. We⁢ hope that this‍ quiz will help ⁤the students ‌understand​ and learn about the ‍different states of‍ matter and their properties in grade 1.

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