Light And Shadow Quiz For Grade 2

Are you a grade ‌2 ‌student interested ​in learning more ‌about light and​ shadow? Are you a teacher ‍looking⁤ for new and innovative ideas on teaching this topic to your ‍students? Look no further, because this light and shadow quiz is ⁢the​ perfect way ⁣to learn ⁤and test their knowledge. Read on to challenge yourself – or your students – with these 20 light and shadow questions. ‌Good luck!

Q1: What ​is a shadow?
A: A dark shape on a surface
B : A ⁣light ⁣source
C: An object that‍ blocks light​
D: A reflection

Answer: C: ‌An object that blocks light‌

Q2: What is a tree’s shadow called?
A: Reflection ​
B : Shade
C: Umbra
D: Light

Answer: B:‍ Shade

Q3: When is there ⁢no shadow?
Options: ⁣
A: Afternoon
B: Morning
C: Night
D: No shadow is ever formed

Answer: D: No shadow is ever formed

Q4: ⁣What does ⁢light do?
A: Makes ⁢things visible
B: Makes‍ things dark
C: Makes things bright
D: Makes things invisible⁣

Answer: A:​ Makes things visible

Q5: How is light made?
A: By electricity
B: By an ⁢object blocking a source of light
C: By chemical reactions
D: By the sun

Answer: D: By⁣ the sun

Q6: What is a light⁤ source?‍
A: ​An object​ that blocks light
B: A dark shape on a surface
C: Something⁣ that creates light
D: A reflection

Answer: C: Something that creates light

Q7: What is a reflection?
A: A dark shape on a surface
B: An ⁣object that blocks light
C: Something that creates light ‌
D: Light bouncing off a ⁣surface

Answer: D: Light bouncing off a surface

Q8: What do you need to make a⁤ shadow?
A: Light source
B: Shade
C: An object
D: An umbrella

Answer: C: An object

Q9: What is the darkest shadow?⁣
A: Penumbra
B: Shade
C: Umbra
D: Reflection

Answer: C: Umbra

Q10: What is an eclipse?
A: ⁣When​ the sun is⁣ blocked during the⁤ day
B: When the moon is blocked during the night
C: When the sun and moon are both blocked
D: When the sun and ⁢moon ⁤both shine

Answer: C: When the sun⁣ and‍ moon are both blocked

Q11: Can shadows ⁤be still?
A: Yes
B: No

Answer: A:⁢ Yes

Q12: Can⁤ shadows move?
Options: ⁢
A: Yes
B:⁣ No

Answer:‍ A: Yes

Q13: What happens if you move the light ​source?
A:⁢ The shadow stays ⁣still
B:⁢ The shadow moves

Answer: B: The shadow moves

Q14: What does a shadow look like?
A: It is always black
B:⁤ It is always a specific color
C: It depends on the shape of the‍ object
D: It depends on the color of the light

Answer: D: It depends on the color of the light

Q15: What happens when the‍ light source is blocked?
A: The shadow disappears ​
B:⁣ The shadow moves
C: The shadow changes size
D: The shadow stays the same

Answer: A: The shadow disappears

Q16: What is a penumbra? ​
A: A light source
B: A dark shape on a surface ‌
C: A dimly lit ⁤shadow
D: A reflection

Answer:‌ C: A dimly lit shadow

Q17: What is a luminescence?
A: When an object emits its own light
B: When an object absorbs light
C: When ‌an object ⁤reflects ‌light
D: When an object creates shadows

Answer: A:​ When an object emits its own light

Q18: Are shadows always black?
A: Yes
B: No

Answer: B: No

Q19: What is a shadow’s color?
A: It is always black
B: It is always a specific color
C: It depends on the ‌shape of the object ​
D: ⁣It depends on the color of the light

Answer: D: It depends on the color of the light

Q20: How does a⁤ shadow move?
A: It moves with the object
B: It moves without the object
C: It stays still
D: It moves opposite to the object

Answer: ‌A: It moves with the object

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